Saturday 3 May 2008

《 Suzuki‧缺席的第三十堂課 與 亂七八糟的 concert 》

#30 5/2 (團體課和私人課,我們請假沒上)
明天要 concert,但是小宇手指有點皮肉傷,所以我就藉此放一次假,反正這種爛課,上或不上都一樣到後院去和小朋友玩了一下午,還比較值得

只有小宇拉long long ago, 我沒有領先群雄的得意,只有失序的無奈

還有最後團體拉的那幾首,那時候要拉的是 book2 的曲子,卻把小宇這一班都叫了上去,老師根本搞不清楚大家的進度嗎?一團混亂,虧得這些小孩不會拉,還在那裡裝模作樣的,這是目的嗎?耍寶嗎?


Dear Suzuki violin families,

Saturday night's concert was a complete success! As your teacher, I am very proud of every single one of the performers and their families. Events like this help us see how wonderful the families in our program truly are, how much each student is supported and encouraged, and how much time and work and enjoyment go into your Suzuki violin experience.

Every soloist showed great improvement since the beginning of the year. Each student was very poised on stage, with great playing position and beautiful sound. It truly makes us proud to hear solos of this quality from our students. And it's not my solo students that I'm proud of, but every student in the group performances who helped to create such beautiful and inspiring music for the audience. Everyone who came helped make the experience a great one.

There is one thing I'd like to add for the benefit of everyone. While most of the audience members behaved respectfully and properly Saturday night, there were some members of the audience who were disruptive. I was embarrassed by this. Please keep in mind, at our concerts and at other classical music concerts, that it is not customary to leave the concert hall except in the case of something very serious. In particular, it is considered rude to the performer and the audience to get up from your seat while someone is playing. Getting up and walking around, talking, kicking feet, and opening/closing doors are things that should never be done during a piece of music. If you have an infant or toddler who you think might have trouble behaving well for the whole concert, it might be wise to make arrangements to leave the child at home.

Again, thanks very much for coming! I'm very proud of every student who participated, and every parent who helped their child achieve such a high level of musical success at a young age. We're all looking forward to our next fun event on May 31, where we will have pizza for everyone!


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