Thursday 1 May 2008

《 Suzuki‧非常之不爽 (與團體課#28)》》

4/13 收到小宇小提琴老師的 E-mail。

Mrs C:

Every now and then, I like to send an E-mail to people just to make sure that everything with violin is going smoothly. I'm hoping that Jeremy is still enjoying the violin, and that practicing at home is fun and motivated. I think Jeremy's doing a great job, and I really enjoy our lessons together.

One question I have is about Jeremy's behavior in class. Recently, he's started to become more and more "squirmy" during group class. I remember when I taught him in Pre-Twinkle class, he was much more quiet and obedient. Now, he dances around during class, and does not always follow directions. Is there a reason for this change? I'm wondering if it's just the influence of the other kids in the group (many of whom need to be reminded about classroom behavior), or if he might be unhappy with group class for some reason?

Jeremy is a very good young violinist, and I hope that the great work you and Jeremy have done will continue into the future.


第一個反應是我覺得非常不高興,我絕不是說小宇的行為可取,可是這個團體課自己本身上課的秩序就有問題 (大人走來走去、進進出出、帶著小弟弟小妹妹在一旁吵嚷、有幾個小朋友上課也是晃來晃去、自顧自在那裡拉小提琴不聽老師、還有躺在地上不理老師的、賴著爸媽的,搶著說話吵擾的……),再加上老師自己也在那裡逗小孩:把弓放在頭上、把弓放在鼻子上等等來吸引孩子注意,說一些玩笑話等等…… 這樣的環境,也許本來他們要營造的是自由自在的學習,但是卻變得失序與沒有章法,我已經很不高興了,已經很想抱怨了。結果你現在卻來跟我說我兒子上課怎樣怎樣,他不過是個六歲的孩子,而且不是我做娘的偏袒他,他是一個很懂事的孩子,是你們的失序造成他的「入境隨俗」,你現在卻來指責他的行為,真是讓人火冒三丈。你也說了,你知道原因是 it's just the influence of the other kids in the group (many of whom need to be reminded about classroom behavior), 那就管好你自己的上課秩序,再來說我們吧!


因為週五那天回來,在 思索整個學習音樂的過程,我做大人的已經非常不高興這整個學習了,現在又收到這樣的信,真的是非常不開心。


Mr. B,

Thanks for your reminder regarding Jeremy's recent behavior in his group class. As matter of fact, he has got too much energy and is very easy to get excited when learning new things. I often need to find activities for him to "vent out." So, probably he was just got too excited and couldn't wait for his term. So, I will teach him how to be patient.

Other than this matter, I am writing to you because I would like to ask you a favor. I was wondering if you'd kindly switch Jeremy's Tuesday private class to Friday at 6:30pm? I am aware that Friday is his group class as well but I do have a good intention to do this. I would appreciate if you shall let me know if you could kindly do this schedule change for. Either way, please let me when you get a chance. Thanks.

Jeremy's Mom


4/18 團體課#28



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